X.org Foundation Election - Vote Now!

It’s election season in X.org land, and it matters: Besides new board seats we’re also voting on bylaw changes and whether to join SPI or not.
Personally, and as the secretary of the board I’m very much in favour of joining SPI. It will allow us to offload all the boring bits of running a foundation, and those are also all the bits we tend to struggle with. And that would give the board more time to do things that actually matter and help the community. And all that for a really reasonable price - running our own legal entity isn’t free, and not really worth it for our small budget mostly consisting of travel sponsoring and the occasional internship.
And bylaw changes need a qualified supermajority of all members, every vote counts and not voting essentially means voting no. Hence please vote, and please vote even when you don’t want to join - this is our second attempt and I’d really like to see a clear verdict from our members, one way or the other.
Voting closes by Apr 26 23:59 UTC, but please don’t cut it short, it’s a computer that decides when it’s over …